Modern-day scribes telling stories.
(don’t worry, it’s in English!)
Still Chosen
The Jewish people are still chosen.
That simple statement might raise eyebrows, spark questions, or stir emotions. Yet, it is a profound truth rooted deeply in Scripture and history.
It’s a message we’re proud to wear boldly on our Road Gear “Still Chosen” shirt, not as a mere slogan but as a declaration of God’s enduring faithfulness.
Know Your Roots
The olive tree of Romans 11 is alive and thriving. Its roots are holy, and its branches are growing.
God’s story isn’t finished. His promises to Israel are still in motion, and the Jewish people remain at the heart of His redemptive plan.
As we wear the words “Know Your Roots,” we proclaim that we are connected to this story—a story of faithfulness, redemption, and hope.