Who are these schmegegges anyway?
Ron Davis is husband to the beautiful Kay and the grand patriarch of a whole tribe of kids and grandkids. Ron has too many post-graduate degrees to count, but his main passion in life is sharing the gospel with Jewish people. When he first met Jesus as His Jewish Messiah in his twenties, it changed everything for him!
He was born in Brooklyn, New York, where he says, “I was born in New York so I could be close to my mother.” Whether it is from the hilltops of Israel, a life spent in Orange County, CA, or from the new hub in Central Kentucky - Ron's mission is to share the gospel with anyone who will hear him out!
Photo taken in Petra, Jordan.
For the past two decades, Matt Davis has been married to his beautiful wife Marilee (the story of them meeting is fantastic!), and together they have three outstanding kids. Matt also has too many animals to count. One of Matt’s greatest joys in life is bringing families on legacy trips to the Middle East to teach them about the roots of their faith.
Matt's life mission is "Tikkun Olam," which in Hebrew means, “to repair the world.” He believes that we are here to partner with God to bring repair to this broken world, one person and one heart at a time.
Photo taken from Mount Precipice in Nazareth, Israel.