We are two Jews who talk about Jesus, connecting Act One (Old Testament) to Act Two (New Testament) and bringing the depth and roots of the faith to the world.
Ron Davis has been a follower of the Jewish Messiah for nearly 50 years. His encounter with Jesus in his twenties transformed his life and sparked a passion to share the gospel with Jewish people and equip the Church to understand the Jewish roots of their faith.
With advanced degrees from Talbot School of Theology and decades of ministry experience, Ron co-founded The Jewish Road, a movement dedicated to connecting God’s promises to Israel with the Church’s understanding of Scripture. Through The Jewish Road podcast, which reaches over 50,000 listeners annually, and speaking engagements, Ron proclaims the continuous story of God’s faithfulness to Jew and Gentile alike.
Ron is a husband, father, and grandfather who carries the mission to be a voice, a light, and a blessing to God’s people.
Matt Davis is a graduate of Biola University and Talbot School of Theology, with over 20 years of pastoral leadership experience. As co-founder of The Jewish Road, Matt is passionate about reconnecting Christians with the Jewish roots of their faith and proclaiming the Good News to both Jew and Gentile.
Through The Jewish Road podcast, which engages more than 50,000 listeners annually, and teaching trips to Israel, Matt helps bring the Bible to life and bridge the divide between the Old and New Testaments.
Matt is a husband to Marilee and father to three, carrying on the mission to be a light and a voice for this generation.
Here are some of the topics they love to speak on:
A Tale of Two Roads - The Separation And Coming Together
The Jewish Road - God’s Plan of Salvation Through the Old Testament
The War in the Middle East
The Rise of Antisemitism Since October 7
Why Israel Should Not Exist Today - The Miracle of Modern Israel
The Spring Feasts of Israel - An Overview
The Fall Feasts of Israel - An Overview
The Last Passover Seder
Passion Week Through Jewish Eyes
Can These Bones Live? (Ezekiel 37, Deuteronomy 30)
L’Dor V’Dor - From Generation to Generation, Passing A Spiritual Legacy
The Jewish Wedding Feast
The Shaping of A People (Israel in the Wilderness)
An Old & New Question: Are We Living In The Last Days?
Israel And The End Times