Know Your Roots

We live in a world of instant connections. People are searching for meaning, for roots, for something that tells them who they are and where they belong. But for many believers, those roots are closer than they realize - anchored in the rich soil of God’s promises to His people, Israel.

Our "Know Your Roots" shirt isn’t just a catchy phrase. It’s a profound reminder, drawn straight from the Scriptures, that as believers in Jesus (Yeshua), we are grafted into a story far older than we are - a story that began with the patriarchs, was nurtured by the prophets, and reaches its fulfillment in the Messiah.

The Root is Holy: Romans 11

Paul’s letter to the Romans is foundational to understanding our place in God’s redemptive plan. In chapter 11, Paul describes a cultivated olive tree, symbolizing Israel, into which Gentile believers are grafted:

"If the root is holy, so are the branches." (Romans 11:16)

What does this mean? It means that the root - God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—is holy, set apart by God. The branches, both natural (Jewish believers) and wild (Gentile believers), share in the nourishment and life of that root.

This is not a new tree. It’s one tree. The church is not a replacement for Israel but a continuation of God’s unfolding story.

The Problem: Forgotten Roots

For centuries, much of the church has operated as though the Jewish roots of the faith are unnecessary, irrelevant, or even a hindrance.

The result? A disconnect from the richness of the biblical story. Many believers struggle to fully understand the New Testament because they don’t know the Old Testament, or “Act One” of God’s story.

Imagine trying to understand a sequel without reading the original book. You might catch glimpses of the plot, but you’d miss the full depth and meaning and foundation of the story.

Paul warned against this arrogance:
"Do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you." (Romans 11:18)

To know our roots is to humble ourselves and recognize that our faith didn’t begin in the first century but long before, when God chose Abraham and set His plan for redemption in motion.

The Root of the Story

The root of the story is God’s covenant with Abraham in Genesis 12:

"I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

This promise wasn’t just about land or descendants. It was about God’s plan to redeem the world through a specific people.

Through Israel, we received:

  • The Word of God (Romans 3:2)

  • The promises and covenants (Romans 9:4)

  • The Messiah, Jesus (Romans 9:5)

Why Roots Matter

  1. Identity and Belonging:
    Knowing our roots reminds us that we are part of something far greater than ourselves. We are connected to God’s chosen people and His unchanging promises.

  2. Continuity of Scripture:
    The Bible is one unified story. Knowing our roots bridges the perceived gap between the Old and New Testaments.

  3. Standing Against Antisemitism:
    Understanding our Jewish roots helps us combat replacement theology and the tragic antisemitism that has plagued church history. Let us remember to hold close the promises of God to His covenant people Israel, and thus honor the God who chose them. 

Lessons from the Olive Tree

Paul’s metaphor of the olive tree in Romans 11 teaches us:

  1. God’s Faithfulness: The root represents God’s unshakable promises. Despite Israel’s failures, God remains faithful to His covenant.

  2. Humility: Gentile believers are grafted in and partake of the richness of God’s blessings as spiritual heirs of Abraham. So there is no place in the church for spiritual pride, much less antisemitism. Gentiles have been grafted into the covenant of salvation that God made with Abraham by grace, not because of superiority. This should lead to gratitude, not arrogance (Romans 11:18).

  3. Unity: There is one tree, one faith, one Lord. Jews and Gentiles are united in the Messiah.

What It Means to “Know Your Roots”

To know your roots is to:

  • Recognize that your faith is built on the foundation of Israel’s story.

  • Embrace the Jewishness of Jesus and the context of the Bible.

  • Stand with Israel as God’s chosen people, knowing the story isn’t over.

  • As spiritual heirs, their story becomes your story.

The Modern Disconnect

In today’s church, there’s a growing hunger to rediscover these roots. Why? Because understanding where we come from gives clarity about who we are and where we’re going.

For too long, the Jewishness of Jesus has been stripped away. But Jesus didn’t come to erase the Law or the prophets; He came to fulfill them (Matthew 5:17).

A Call to Action

Wearing “Know Your Roots” isn’t just about fashion; it’s about starting conversations. It’s about inviting others to explore the richness of their faith and reconnecting with the God who keeps His promises.

  1. Learn: Dive into the Scriptures with fresh eyes. See how the Old Testament lays the foundation for the New.

  2. Share: Start conversations about why Israel matters and how the Jewish people are still central to God’s plan.

  3. Stand: In a world that is increasingly hostile to Israel, stand firm in your support for God’s chosen people.

Still Rooted, Still Growing

The olive tree of Romans 11 is alive and thriving. Its roots are holy, and its branches are growing.

God’s story isn’t finished. His promises to Israel are still in motion, and the Jewish people remain at the heart of His redemptive plan.

As we wear the words “Know Your Roots,” we proclaim that we are connected to this story—a story of faithfulness, redemption, and hope.

He Is Faithful

To know your roots is to know the faithfulness of God. It’s to see the beauty of His plan, stretching from Abraham to today and into eternity.

"If the root is holy (patriarchs), so are the branches (Israel)." (Romans 11:16)

May we never forget where we’ve come from, and may we always stand firm in the story of God’s unchanging promises.

Wear it boldly. Share it boldly. Know your roots.

All proceeds from every purchase directly supports our ministry partners in Israel, turning your wardrobe into a vehicle for positive change.


About The Jewish Road

At the heart of The Jewish Road lies a passion ignited by a father-son duo, Ron and Matt Davis. Our journey began with a simple yet profound desire: to bridge the gap in understanding that has kept two faith communities apart for too long. We're here to help Christians connect with the roots of their faith and for Jews to explore the life and teachings of Jesus with an open heart.

Imagine a world where every believer, be they Jewish or Christian, not only knows their faith but truly understands its origins and interconnectedness. We strive to restore the Jewish essence of the Gospel, offering insights that deepen knowledge, bolster faith, and propel the growth of the Kingdom. The narrative of faith, we believe, is a two-act play where both acts are essential for a comprehensive grasp of the story. By uniting these acts, we're presenting a more holistic and enriching perspective.

Life is too short to wander without knowing the full essence of your beliefs. Whether you're attending a synagogue or a church, there's so much more to discover. The Jewish Road is here to guide, enlighten, and, most importantly, bring both halves of the story together. Join us on this journey; together

Matt Davis

The right words can make your product irresistible to the consumer. We walk you through a process for gaining clarity for your company’s story. The result? You’ll be inviting your customers and donors into a story they want to be a part of.

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