Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 100: A Deep Rooted Love For Israel with Joshua Aaron

In this episode, Matt and Ron Davis interview Joshua Aaron, a musician and believer in Yeshua. They discuss Joshua's background, his journey to Israel, and the impact of conflict on his family. They also explore the significance of his songs and their message of unity and love for Israel. He also talks about his approach to songwriting and the importance of interpreting the Bible accurately. The conversation touches on the appreciation for old Messianic worship and the idea of music coming full circle.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 99: A New Way Of Looking At An Old Story - Why The Jewishness Of Jesus Matters

In this episode, we uncover the Jewishness of Jesus, a facet of His identity that is often overlooked yet fundamentally alters our understanding of Him. As the world faces turmoil, and Israel stands at the epicenter of global attention, recognizing Jesus as the Jewish Messiah offers a profound, unifying perspective. We explore the significance of Jesus' roots, from His teachings in the synagogues of Galilee to His celebrations of Passover, shedding light on how His Jewish identity enriches the faith of both Jews and non-Jews alike.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 98: Tying The Knot In Turbulance - Travis & Emily’s Wedding During The Israel War

In this heart-stirring episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, join Travis and Emily Huff as they share their extraordinary journey of planning a dream wedding in Jerusalem, set against the backdrop of unexpected conflict. Scheduled to marry on October 10, 2023, their plans were abruptly overshadowed by the tragic events of October 7, when Hamas launched an attack in Southern Israel. Their story is not just about a wedding - it’s a profound narrative of faith, love, and resilience, mirroring the collective journey of the bride of Messiah in these tumultuous times.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 97: Holocaust Survivor - Severyn Ashkenazy

Severyn Ashkenazy, a Holocaust survivor and key figure in the creation of West Hollywood, shares his story and insights on Jewish identity, anti-Semitism, and the importance of education amongst the Jewish people. He emphasizes the need for Jews to understand and explain their heritage, and for others to learn the truth about Jewish culture and history. Ashkenazy also discusses the role of humor in Jewish culture and the challenges facing Israel today. He calls for unity and support in the fight against anti-Semitism and for peace in Jerusalem.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 96: The People Of Israel After October 7 (with Josh & Tommy Doyle)

The conversation with Josh and Tommy Doyle of Uncharted Ministries revolves around the recent events in Israel and the impact on the Jewish people. They share their personal experiences and observations from their numerous visits to Israel before October 7, and since. They discuss the openness and humility of the Jewish people, the unity and camaraderie among the supporters, and the need for support and love for Israel during these challenging times.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 95: Not To Speak Is To Speak with Jane Carter

In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, Matt and Ron Davis are joined by Jane Carter, who shares her family's involvement in the Holocaust and her journey of reconciliation. Though generations removed from the atrocities, Jane apologizes for her family's past actions and stands in solidarity with the Jewish people today. She expresses her support for Israel and encourages others to take a stand against anti-Semitism. The conversation highlights the importance of not remaining silent in the face of evil and the need to love and support the Jewish community. She shares her journey of standing with Israel, what it costs, and the ongoing battle against anti-Semitism.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 94: 52 Sabbaths: Unwrapping The Gift Of God’s Rest with David Hoffbrand

In this episode, Ron and Matt Davis interview David Hoffbrand about his book, '52 Sabbaths: Unwrapping the Gift of God's Rest.' They discuss the importance of the Sabbath, its significance in the Bible, and its relevance in modern life. David explains that the Sabbath is not just about rest but also about restoring relationships and finding wholeness. He emphasizes the need to prioritize family and invest in faith and trust. The book provides 52 reflections on different aspects of the Sabbath, helping readers understand and apply its principles in their lives.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 93: The Jewish Road Ahead

Matt and Ron Davis discuss their year-end impact report and their mission to help Christians understand the roots of their faith and help Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

They highlight the dilemma of Jewish identity and the misidentification of Jesus among both Christians and Jewish people. They emphasize the urgency of the times and the need to be a voice in the wilderness.

The conversation also covers their methods of spreading the message, including writing a book and fundraising for projects in Israel. They conclude by calling for support and prayer for their ministry.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 92: Speak To The Heart Of Jerusalem with Candyce Hyslip

Do you feel worn down? There's lots of places and opportunities to feel it. The politics, the divisions, the world situation, the wars, the rumors of wars, the devastation and hatred we see on every screen we face - it's all there.

In this episode, Matt & Marilee Davis sit down with Candyce Hyslip to look into the recent turmoil in Israel following the Hamas attacks and the distressing rise of anti-Semitism. What does it look like to pray and the significance of being physically and emotionally present for those enduring suffering. The truth is, two months into the war in Israel, it's easy to desensitize, disconnect, and disengage.

Candyce talks through how the Lord revealed to her how to not only pray FOR, but pray WITH those who are suffering, but also to bring comfort through our words, gifts, and meals.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 91: Why This Hanukkah Is Different…And The Same

In Episode 91 of The Jewish Road Podcast, titled "Why This Hanukkah Is Different...And The Same," we look into the essence of Hanukkah, connecting its historical roots to the present-day challenges facing the Jewish people.

Hanukkah began as a story of resistance against Antiochus IV, a ruler intent on eradicating Jewish identity and practices. This year, as we light the menorah, our reflections take on a deeper, more urgent tone. We find ourselves amid a continued conflict following the October 7 war, where the threat to Jewish existence is ever-present, this time posed by a radical Islamist group, Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization.

What makes this Hanukkah different isn't the nature of the threat -historically, the Jewish people have faced numerous existential threats -but its global reach. The shadows of hatred and violence extend beyond Israel, seeping into streets and campuses worldwide, affecting Jews in every corner of the globe.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 90: Why The Israel Story Isn’t Resonating With This Generation with David Hoffbrand

Continuing our dialogue with David Hoffbrand, Episode 90, titled "Why The Israel Story Isn't Resonating With This Generation," shifts the focus to the present and future of Israel's narrative.

We look into the complex reasons behind the growing disconnection between modern global Christians and Israel, including:

  • Exploring the reasons behind the church's indifference or even opposition to Israel.

  • Examining the impact of replacement theology and anti-Semitism.

  • Understanding the cultural shift in post-Christian England.

This candid conversation seeks to understand God's unwavering heart for Israel amidst a generation that often seems at best indifferent, and at worst, hostile. David's insight into the issue is profound, highlighting the critical need for dialogue and education on the historical and spiritual significance of Israel.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 89: The Jewish Jesus - Reconnecting With The Truth About Jesus, Israel, & The Church with David Hoffbrand

The truth is, miss out on the fact that Jesus is Jewish and you’re missing out on Jesus. You could go to church every Sunday, read your Bible everyday, and even lead a Bible study, and unless you look at Jesus in His Jewish context, you're missing something.

In this episode of The Jewish Road podcast, we're joined by David Hoffbrand, author, church leader, and musician from Brighton, England, to discuss his thoughtful book, "The Jewish Jesus - Reconnecting With The Truth About Jesus, Israel, & The Church." It should provoke some thoughtful questions:

  • What does it mean for our Christian faith that Jesus was Jewish?

  • How can we truly bridge the Old and New Testaments?

  • What would it look like to know Jesus as His first disciples did?

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 88: Who Is A Jew? The Anti-Semantics Of The Chosen People with Avner Boskey

In episode 88 of the Jewish Road podcast, "Who Is A Jew? The Anti-Semantics of The Chosen People," we look into the origins and implications of words like 'Jew', 'Israeli', and 'Zionism', alongside the associated "anti" language that often paints a distorted picture. Living a mere 62 seconds away from the threat of a rocket from Gaza, Avner offers a perspective that is as grounded as it is enlightening. There's a raw authenticity in his words, reflecting his deep-rooted love for Israel despite its challenges.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 87: O God, Do Not Keep Silence

This episode of the Jewish Road podcast dives into the timely relevance of Psalm 83, a biblical passage that feels as if it was ripped straight from today's headlines. The psalm is a fervent plea, calling on God to not remain silent in the face of evil. As the quote goes, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"—and the same might be said about divine silence. This episode explores the deeply unsettling plans of evil forces aimed at the annihilation of God's people, plans that go beyond mere military strategy to touch upon a darker, more insidious agenda.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 86: What’s In, And Not In, The Headlines

The clock keeps ticking, and we're 18 days into the war in Israel. As news headlines whip by at a blinding pace, they often miss the mark, leaving gaps that need to be filled. We're here to fill them. Episode 86 of the Jewish Road podcast looks into the news narratives that are spinning uncontrollably. More alarmingly, there's a noticeable silence from quarters that should be vocal - particularly the American church.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 85: Living Six Miles From Lebanon with Efraim Goldstein

In our latest episode, episode 85 titled "Living Six Miles From Lebanon," we were graced by the unexpected but deeply enriching presence of Efraim Goldstein, a missionary with Chosen People Ministries. What started as a prayer night in our community turned into an eye-opening conversation when Efraim walked in and we decided to hit the record button.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 84: Human Shields & Heavenly Protection: Understanding God As Our Shield

In the midst of rising tensions and unsettling circumstances, the concept of shields takes on a deeper meaning. Episode 84, titled "Human Shields and Heavenly Protection," explores the dichotomy of earthly and divine shields. While we hear about organizations like Hamas using innocent lives as human shields, there's an age-old truth in scripture that has stood the test of time: the Lord is our ultimate shield.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 82: Can There Be Peace Between Jews & Arabs with Tom Doyle

This episode takes you inside amazing stories of faith from the most unlikely places. You'll hear about the extraordinary risks Muslims are taking to follow Jesus—risks that involve their personal safety, their relationships, and sometimes even their lives. To give you a glimpse into the life-changing decisions being made, Tom and his team ask every Muslim two crucial questions before they decide to follow Jesus. These questions offer you a perspective that goes far beyond the evening news and takes you deep into the heart of what's actually happening on the ground.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 81: The New Anti-Semitism with Olivier Melnick

In this urgent episode of the Jewish Road Podcast, we sit down with Olivier Melnick to tackle the issue of antisemitism—a problem more widespread and relevant than many realize. Especially given last week's tragic attacks that ended over 1,300 Israeli lives, this is a conversation we can't afford to ignore. Olivier, a French Messianic Jew, provides crucial insights into the origins and endurance of antisemitism, from its Biblical beginnings to its alarming resurgence in the modern world.

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