Episode 95: Not To Speak Is To Speak with Jane Carter


Helping Christians make sense of their roots. Helping Jews make sense of Jesus.

Together, we are restoring the Jewishness of the gospel.


In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, Matt and Ron Davis are joined by Jane Carter, who shares her family's involvement in the Holocaust and her journey of reconciliation. Though generations removed from the atrocities, Jane apologizes for her family's past actions and stands in solidarity with the Jewish people today. She expresses her support for Israel and encourages others to take a stand against anti-Semitism. The conversation highlights the importance of not remaining silent in the face of evil and the need to love and support the Jewish community. She shares her journey of standing with Israel, what it costs, and the ongoing battle against anti-Semitism.


  • The importance of acknowledging past wrongs and standing in solidarity with the Jewish people is an important step towards reconciliation.

  • Expressing support for Israel can take various forms, from wearing blue to displaying the Israeli flag.

  • It is crucial to educate oneself about the history and current events related to Israel and the Jewish people.

  • Standing against anti-Semitism and not remaining silent in the face of evil is a responsibility for all individuals.


00:00 - Introduction and Setting the Context

01:27 - Family Background

03:31 - Discovery and Response

06:20 - Faith and Visit to Dachau

07:52 - Jane's Trip to Israel

10:18 - Reactions to Repentance

11:48 - Expressions of Support for Israel

15:07 - Taking a Stand and Not Remaining Silent

18:13 - Shame and Evil in the World

20:07 - Anti-Semitism and Ignorance

22:07 - The Battle Beyond the Physical

25:17 - Feeling Isolated and Standing Firm

27:35 - The Importance of Standing with Israel

29:41 - Encouragement for those Listening

30:13 - Conclusion

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Matt Davis

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