Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 104: The Bitter & The Sweet - Israel’s Memorial & Independence Days

In this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, 'The Bitter & The Sweet,' we talk through the intense emotions surrounding Israel's back-to-back observances: Yom HaZikaron, a somber Memorial Day, and Yom Ha'Atzmaut, the vibrant celebration of Independence Day.

What we are seeing in the headliens these days encapsulate the ongoing story of Israel - a nation carved out of conflict and marked by continual struggle for existence against rising tides of global antisemitism.

Join us as we discuss how Israel's fierce spirit of independence is intertwined with the profound sacrifices made by its people. We'll explore why the existence of a Jewish state is not just a political necessity but a the only hope in a world where ancient enmities persist.

We also talk about how believers worldwide can support Israel in these trying times, emphasizing the church’s role in advocating for peace and justice. This discussion is not just about remembering the past - it's about actively shaping the future in anticipation of the Messiah's return.

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Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 103: Are Red Heifers In Israel A Sign We’re In The Last Days?

In this episode of the Jewish Road Podcast, Matt and Ron Davis discuss the topic of the red heifer, which is a question they frequently get asked. They explore the biblical significance of the red heifer and its connection to the purification rituals in the Old Testament. They also discuss the current interest in the red heifer and its potential role in the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem. While they acknowledge the importance of the red heifer in Jewish tradition, they caution against getting too caught up in the speculation surrounding its significance in end-time prophecy.

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