Episode 103: Are Red Heifers In Israel A Sign We’re In The Last Days?


Helping Christians make sense of their roots. Helping the Jewish community make sense of Jesus. Together, we are restoring the Jewishness of the gospel.


In this episode of the Jewish Road Podcast, Matt and Ron Davis discuss the topic of the red heifer, which is a question they frequently get asked. They explore the biblical significance of the red heifer and its connection to the purification rituals in the Old Testament. They also discuss the current interest in the red heifer and its potential role in the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem. While they acknowledge the importance of the red heifer in Jewish tradition, they caution against getting too caught up in the speculation surrounding its significance in end-time prophecy.


  • The red heifer is a young female cow without blemish that plays a significant role in the purification rituals of the Old Testament.

  • The red heifer is mentioned in Numbers 19 and is associated with the cleansing of those who came in contact with dead bodies in the wilderness.

  • The red heifer is seen as a prerequisite for the construction of the third temple in Jerusalem, and its potential availability has generated interest and speculation.

  • While the red heifer and the third temple are important in Jewish tradition, it is important to focus on the spiritual significance of the temple within ourselves and the future temple that the Messiah will build.

Sound Bites

  • "Of all the questions that we get, everywhere we go, this is the one that comes up the most."

  • "First and foremost, what is a red heifer?"

  • "Let's look at the idea of and ask the question, will there actually be a third temple?"


00:00 - Introduction and Frequently Asked Question

14:41 - The Third Temple: Will It Be Built?

Many thanks to our friend, Joshua Aaron, for permission to use his song, “Every Tribe” as our Season 6 bumper music intro. You can listen to more of his music at joshuaaaron.tv.

And thank you to Joshua Royal, for writing our closer song now running six seasons straight. Listen to him at Joshua Royal Music.

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Matt Davis

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Episode 104: The Bitter & The Sweet - Israel’s Memorial & Independence Days


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