Episode 9: Feast Of Booths - Act Two


We help Christians make sense of their roots so they can help the Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

On this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast:

The gospel of John talks about a feast called "the Feast of Booths." This is a festival to celebrate their harvest and remember how God provided and protected them in the desert. His Presence was also "with" the people, and we track the Presence of God throughout the Bible.

The Feast of Booths (or Sukkot in Hebrew) is also a time where the Jewish people give thanks for all that God has given them. In this episode, we will explore what this ancient Jewish tradition means, why it was important to Jesus' disciples during his ministry, and what is its significance for us today and in the time to come!

Key Passages: Leviticus 23; Ezekiel 10, 11; John 1, 7, 8, 9; 1 Corinthians 3; Revelation 21, 22


Intro and Outro music
by Joshua Royal. Interlude + engineering by Noah Davis.

Matt Davis

The right words can make your product irresistible to the consumer. We walk you through a process for gaining clarity for your company’s story. The result? You’ll be inviting your customers and donors into a story they want to be a part of.


Episode 10: Joy Of The Word


Episode 8: Feast Of Booths - Act One