Episode 10: Joy Of The Word


We help Christians make sense of their roots so they can help the Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

On this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast:

Have you ever heard of Simchat Torah? Nope, didn't think so.

This is a holiday that happens on the Jewish calendar that is unique. In the telling of this holiday lies an important truth: the centrality of the Torah in Jewish life.

This is one of the more unique holidays we celebrate as Jews. You won't see a section in Target with all of the latest "Simchat Torah Decor," though it could be fun, just not profitable.

There are some things that happen during this holiday that have a direct impact on how we live our lives as "people of the Book." And you don't have to be Jewish to appreciate and learn from this time.

This is an episode you don't want to miss if you're interested in what goes on inside the synagogue during this time of year or if you just want to learn more about Judaism and why we do what we do!

So grab your favorite vintage bottle of Manischewitz, sit back, relax and enjoy The Jewish Road Podcast - Episode #10 - "Joy of the Word."


Intro and Outro music
by Joshua Royal. Interlude + engineering by Noah Davis.

Matt Davis

The right words can make your product irresistible to the consumer. We walk you through a process for gaining clarity for your company’s story. The result? You’ll be inviting your customers and donors into a story they want to be a part of.


Episode 11: The First 400 Years - Joseph To Moses


Episode 9: Feast Of Booths - Act Two