Episode 124 - Politics (featuring Moshe Sigulim)


Helping Christians make sense of their roots. Helping the Jewish community make sense of Jesus. Together, we are restoring the Jewishness of the gospel.

Israel is exhausted. 

The war has stretched on for 15 months. 

The weight of it - physically, emotionally, spiritually - is crushing. And yet, as the world watches, the narratives surrounding Israel are being twisted beyond recognition. 

Lies, conspiracies, and political maneuvers flood the headlines, and the church is left asking: 

What is actually happening?

In this episode, we sit down with Moshe Sigulim - an Israeli with deep personal ties to the military, the land, and the people of Israel. 

He’s lived through war. 

He’s lost friends. 

He’s seen firsthand what’s at stake. 

And he’s here to cut through the noise.

We’re talking about the spiritual and political storm surrounding Israel, the unsettling rise of global anti-Semitism, and why the world is obsessed with placing Israel at the center of every conflict. 

But more than that, we’re wrestling with prophecy, the longing for peace, and the hard truth that Israel is searching for a savior - just not the Savior.

If you care about Israel, if you want to see through the media fog, if you want to understand what the Bible actually says about the days we’re living in - this episode is a must-listen.

Because what’s happening in Israel isn’t just political. 

It’s spiritual. 

And it’s unfolding right before our eyes.

Key Takeaways

  • The real situation on the ground in Israel - and why the media gets it wrong.

  • Why Israel is desperate for peace, and how that desperation sets the stage for dangerous compromises.

  • The disturbing global shift toward anti-Zionism and why it matters to the church.

  • How Israel’s spiritual hunger is growing - but not yet for Yeshua.

  • The role of prophecy in today’s events and how the Bible has already laid this out.

  • What Christians must understand about standing with Israel in these days.

Chapter Markers

00:00 | Welcome & Moshe’s background
01:45 | The media war against Israel
02:45 | Israel’s desperation for peace - why it matters
07:27 | What Trump’s statements on Gaza really mean
09:26 | The injustice of the hostage situation
14:27 | The spiritual side of this war - what prophecy says
18:26 | The financial battle behind global politics
26:00 | Israel’s place in the coming global conflict
28:38 | What Christians don’t understand about Israel

The world is shifting fast, and Israel is at the center of it all. If you want to stay informed with truth - not media bias - follow Moshe on Instagram at @mo_shigo for real-time updates from the ground.

For more deep-dive conversations about Israel, the Bible, and the Jewish roots of our faith, visit TheJewishRoad.com and subscribe to The Jewish Road Podcast.

Because understanding Israel means understanding the heartbeat of God’s story.

Listen now. Because the more you understand, the more you can stand.

Thank you to Joshua Royal, for writing our closer song now running seven seasons straight. Listen to him at Joshua Royal Music.

Connect with us on social!

Matt Davis

The right words can make your product irresistible to the consumer. We walk you through a process for gaining clarity for your company’s story. The result? You’ll be inviting your customers and donors into a story they want to be a part of.


Episode 125 - Unshaken (featuring Max Long & Noy Leyb)


Episode 123 - War (featuring Moshe Sigulim)