Reconnecting faith to its Jewish roots.
Helping Christians rediscover their roots and inviting Jews to meet the Jewish Jesus on the road that tells the whole story.

What does “Still Chosen” mean?
What does “Know Your Roots” mean?
Many people don’t know the full story of their faith. We help you go deeper.
Most Christians have a basic understanding of Jesus and His teachings, but they aren’t getting the whole story. Jesus has been disconnected from His Jewishness, and Christians have been disconnected from the roots of their faith. And unfortunately, many Jewish people today don’t even acknowledge Jesus as one of their own.

It’s like a two-act play.
It’s like the Jewish people bought tickets to a two-act play, showed up for the first act, and left at intermission.
Meanwhile, the Christians bought tickets to the same two-act play, got there at intermission, watched the second act, and went home.
Somewhere in the middle of it all, they passed each other in the lobby during intermission and never saw each other again.
Don’t go through life only
knowing half the story.
First Act People
Jews go to synagogue every week and only hear the first half of the story.
Second Act People
Christians go to church every week and mostly hear the second half of the story.
The Whole Story
We are bringing both halves together so everyone can know the whole story.

We suffer from
a drive-by faith.
You have probably experienced times in your own journey of faith when you read a part of the Bible that felt confusing, unfamiliar, or even irrelevant to you. We typically “drive-by” these sections of Scripture, dismissing them as difficult to understand or worse, assign them to “the other half.”
We say, “That’s for them, not for me.”
This isn’t true and we
can help shed light.
3 ways we help you build your faith.
Enjoy our content.
Listen to “The Jewish Road Podcast” or read the blog as you learn new aspects of your faith.
Experience teachings.
In-person holiday celebrations, speaking at churches, webinars, or even a trip to Israel (coming soon!).
Engage the whole story.
Be knowledgeable about your entire faith by connecting the old with the new.

Don’t take it from us. Hear from our tribe!
FREE download:
“The Prophets Speak:
Uncovering God’s Plan Of Salvation On The Jewish Road”
Most Christians have heard of the Roman Road and have even used it in trying to win others to faith. There’s another road that is a path to salvation that comes from the Old Testament. We call it “The Jewish Road.”