Modern-day scribes telling stories.
(don’t worry, it’s in English!)
A Brutal Reminder: Jews Hunted in Amsterdam
In 2024, pogrom-like attacks against Jews are reemerging in Europe, most recently seen in Amsterdam’s brutal mob violence targeting Jewish soccer fans. This incident mirrors the dark history of Kristallnacht and Russian pogroms, reminding us of the dangers Jewish communities face today. As anti-Semitic threats escalate worldwide, The Jewish Road stands resolute: "For Zion’s sake, we will not be silent." Join us in advocating for the safety and dignity of the Jewish people.
Why These Colors Don't Run...or Hide
Stand with us as we explore the unwavering commitment of Messianic Jewish believers to support Israel. In a world increasingly hostile to the Jewish people, we refuse to run or hide. Discover the biblical mandate to stand boldly, advocate for Israel, and be a credible witness to God's eternal covenant. Join us in this mission for faith, resilience, and unwavering support.
All Eyes On…
Explore why Israel remains at the center of God's attention. Learn about Israel's biblical significance, the current conflict, and the eternal promises that underscore the nation's pivotal role in God's plan. Discover the spiritual and historical context of Israel's struggles and triumphs.
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
Explore the marvels of the sun, moon, and stars through the lens of Biblical teachings. Dive into the sacred calendar and divine timing set by God, as this blog post unveils the spiritual significance of celestial events and the ancient Hebrew calendar. Discover the harmony between the heavens and the Biblical feasts, and how they guide us in marking time and celebrating God's creation.
Why The Split?
Have you ever noticed how some years, the Christian celebration of Passion Week and the Jewish observance of Passover appear to be closely aligned, while other times they seem to be out of sync? It may leave you wondering why these two significant holy seasons don’t always coincide. In order to understand this, we need to look into history and examine the calendars followed by each tradition. Let’s explore how the split between Resurrection and Passover occurred and why.
Jewish Road 101: How To Know And Share The Gospel From The Old Testament
Within the pages of the Old Testament, known to the Jewish community as the Tanakh, lies a rich collection of Biblical wisdom, history, and prophecies that hold profound significance. While often associated with Jewish tradition, these ancient scriptures also contain valuable insights into the Good News - the Gospel - largely unexplored within the Christian church, and rarely assembled in a systematic perspective that forms God’s plan of atonement from the Old Testament.