The Jewish Road

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Day 3: What does real repentance look like?

This is part of our 10-part series, “Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Christians Should Care About the Jewish High Holy Days.”

Let’s look into the essence of Teshuvah, which in Hebrew means "returning" or "repentance." While the word "repentance" might conjure up images of regret and shame, Teshuvah is about turning toward something as much as it's about turning away from something else. It's about re-aligning ourselves with God. The month preceding the High Holy Days, known as Elul, is traditionally a time to begin this process of self-examination and repentance. It's like a warm-up for the spiritual marathon that lies ahead.

Jewish Practice Today

What’s happening in the Jewish community before the High Holy Days? The work of Teshuvah actually starts before the Ten Days of Awe. During the month of Elul, the shofar is blown every morning except on Shabbat to wake up the soul and “kick-start” this period of introspection. People take the time to mend relationships and make amends.

During the Ten Days, the concept of Teshuvah intensifies. Jewish communities hold workshops and study sessions focusing on the idea of repentance, making this period a deeply reflective time to consider one's actions over the past year. It's not just about saying sorry; it's about meaningful change. Many will write personal letters to friends and family asking for forgiveness for past wrongs, aiming to start the New Year with a clean slate.

Prayer for the Jewish People

Pray that the Jewish community finds the courage to repent, turn to God, and recognize Jesus, Yeshua, as their ultimate means of atonement.

Application for Believers

As stated in Acts 3:19, repentance wipes away sin. This is a wonderful opportunity to let go of burdens and renew our commitment to following God's will.

Directed Prayer Point

Father, grant us the humility to admit our faults and the strength to turn from them. May the Jewish people also find in Yeshua the source of true repentance and life.

Listen to our Days of Awe podcast for today!

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