Day 2: The day of the blowing of trumpets, but why?

This is part of our 10-part series, “Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Christians Should Care About the Jewish High Holy Days.”

The sound of the shofar (ram’s horn) calls us to something extraordinary - Yom Teruah, commonly known as the Day of Trumpets. This isn't just any call; it's an announcement, a heralding of something majestic. The trumpet's sound penetrates the soul, reminding us to awaken from our spiritual slumber. For Christians, the trumpets hold a dual meaning: they remind us of God's sovereignty and offer a glimpse into future prophetic events, like the return of Jesus.

Jewish Practice Today

In modern Jewish observance, the sounding of the shofar is an essential element of Yom Teruah. The blasts come in a variety of sequences, each with its own unique pattern and meaning. The idea is not merely to hear the shofar, but to listen - to allow the sounds to penetrate your heart and encourage deep reflection. Synagogues are filled with congregants participating in extended services that include additional prayers and readings specific to the holiday.

Many families gather for festive meals, where apples dipped in honey are often served to symbolize the hope for a sweet new year. Interestingly, Yom Teruah is also considered the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah), even though it falls on the first day of the seventh month in the Jewish calendar. This duality - a new year in the middle of the year - highlights the layered meanings and depths of the High Holy Days.

Prayer for the Jewish People

May the Jewish people hear the call of the shofar as a call to return to their Messiah, Yeshua. May their hearts be stirred to search for a more lasting, eternal connection with God.

Application for Believers

Yom Teruah serves as a spiritual alarm clock, awakening us to the importance of repentance and renewal. As believers in Jesus, the trumpet's call reminds us of the return of the Messiah and the ultimate fulfillment of God's plan. We can use this day to examine our readiness for His return and recommit to living a life that honors God.

Directed Prayer Point

Lord, as we listen for Your voice in our own lives, let us also be vigilant in praying for the Jewish people, that they may recognize Yeshua as the ultimate trumpet call to redemption.


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Day 3: What does real repentance look like?


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