Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 80: Hope In The Holy Land

In today's episode, we welcome Justin Kron, founding director of the Kesher Project and co-creator, producer of the groundbreaking documentary, "Hope in the Holy Land." With deep roots in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and years of hands-on experience leading tours to Israel, Justin provides an invaluable perspective on this incredibly complex and emotionally charged topic. We talk about the nuances of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, offering insights that go beyond typical political talking points.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 79: The War In Israel

We come to you with a burdened heart, focusing on the conflict tearing through the Holy Land of Israel. As we record this episode, rockets rain down and families are torn apart. This isn’t just a geopolitical issue, it's yet another somber chapter the Jewish people are living and dying through.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 78: From Feast To Forever: Sukkot

Explore the profound significance of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles, as it connects to God’s desire to dwell with His people from Eden to future prophecies. Uncover the historical, theological, and future implications of this ancient festival in this eye-opening episode.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 77: The Scapegoat That Became The G.O.A.T.

Here we are, at the peak of the Ten Days of Awe, Yom Kippur. It's the Day of Atonement, a time when many Jewish people fast, pray, and attend synagogue services. This solemn day carries enormous significance. It's not just a day to say sorry, but to truly reflect on one's actions and seek genuine atonement. While the weight of the day is profoundly felt in Jewish communities, it also offers an extraordinary moment for us as followers of Jesus to recognize Him as our ultimate atonement.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 76: No Longer Bound: Released From Sin Into Salvation

The human soul seems hardwired to long for atonement—a strong, sometimes desperate, desire for forgiveness and release. This is a sentiment that echoes across cultures and religious practices, revealing a shared yearning to be set right with God. As we delve into Day 9, we find in the story of the Akedah a vivid representation of how far God was willing to go to grant us that atonement. "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son," Abraham tells Isaac, echoing a promise fulfilled through Jesus (Genesis 22:8). Akedah literally means, “The Binding,” and recounts the story of Abraham taking his “one and only son” Isaac to the top of Moriah to sacrifice him.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 75: Cast My Sins Into The Depths Of The Sea

There is the practice of Tashlich, a deeply symbolic ceremony that resonates with believers of all backgrounds. As the sun sets and the day comes to an end, many Jewish people flock to rivers and streams, emptying their pockets or throwing pieces of bread into the water. This simple yet powerful act serves as a physical embodiment of letting go, a casting away of sins and burdens. For Christians, it's hard not to think of the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus, the Messiah, who makes it possible to truly cast our sins "as far as the east is from the west."

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 74: What Does It Mean To Return To The Lord? (Shabbat Shuvah)

Central to the Days of Awe is what we call Shabbat Shuvah, or the "Sabbath of Return." Situated between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, this Shabbat holds a special significance. It serves as a momentary pause, a sacred interval for personal and communal reflection. In a season filled with introspection and repentance, Shabbat Shuvah invites us to come home - to return to the Lord with all our hearts. For Christians, this idea of "returning" finds its full expression in the grace and redemption offered through Jesus, our Messiah.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 73: What Will We Do For Atonement?

The human soul carries a deep yearning for atonement. In cultures around the world and across the broad expanse of religious thought, rituals and traditions abound, highlighting the lengths we go to find relief from the weight of our mistakes and misdeeds. The Jewish people are no different. As followers of Jesus, we know that our atonement not only covered our sins once for the next year, but also forgave our sins once and for all.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 72: Where Can We Show Kindness?

The concept of Tzedakah, often translated as “charity,” but more accurately understood as righteousness or justice. Giving isn't merely a charitable endeavor, but an ethical obligation. For Christians, this resonates deeply with the New Testament teachings on almsgiving and love for neighbor. Here, the idea of 'faith without works is dead' rings loud and clear.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 71: Prayer Is More Than Monologue

These Days of Awe invite us into the heart of prayer, or Tefillah, in Hebrew. Prayer is a universal act, a meeting place between the human and the divine, and during these days, it takes on an even more profound significance. Tefilah is less about asking God for what we need, and more about aligning ourselves with God’s will. For Christians, the idea of interceding with Jesus as our mediator adds a layer of grace to this sacred time.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 70: What Does Real Repentance Look Like?

Let’s look into the essence of Teshuvah, which in Hebrew means "returning" or "repentance." While the word "repentance" might conjure up images of regret and shame, Teshuvah is about turning toward something as much as it's about turning away from something else. It's about re-aligning ourselves with God. The month preceding the High Holy Days, known as Elul, is traditionally a time to begin this process of self-examination and repentance. It's like a warm-up for the spiritual marathon that lies ahead.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 69: The Day Of The Blowing Of Trumpets

The sound of the shofar (ram’s horn) calls us to something extraordinary - Yom Teruah, commonly known as the Day of Trumpets. This isn't just any call; it's an announcement, a heralding of something majestic. The trumpet's sound penetrates the soul, reminding us to awaken from our spiritual slumber. For Christians, the trumpets hold a dual meaning: they remind us of God's sovereignty and offer a glimpse into future prophetic events, like the return of Jesus.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 68: Is Your Name Written In The Book?

As the Days of Awe kick off, we find ourselves on the cusp of a deeply spiritual journey. It's a time to pause and reflect, to account for the year that's been and prepare for the one that's coming. The Jewish tradition teaches that during these Ten days, three books are opened in the heavenly courts: the Book of Life, the Book of Death, and the Book of the In-Between. Each person's fate for the coming year will be inscribed in one of these books based on their deeds. While this may sound intimidating, it's also a beautiful reminder that our actions have consequences - both in this world and the next.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 67: Remember Us For Life - The Akedah

The human soul seems hardwired to long for atonement—a strong, sometimes desperate, desire for forgiveness and release. This is a sentiment that echoes across cultures and religious practices, revealing a shared yearning to be set right with God. As we delve into Day 9, we find in the story of the Akedah a vivid representation of how far God was willing to go to grant us that atonement. "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son," Abraham tells Isaac, echoing a promise fulfilled through Jesus (Genesis 22:8). Akedah literally means, “The Binding,” and recounts the story of Abraham taking his “one and only son” Isaac to the top of Moriah to sacrifice him.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 66: Why Christians Should Care About The Jewish High Holy Days

Ever been on a hunt for your glasses just to find them perched on your head? Or searched for your phone while you're actually holding it? Sometimes the things we're looking for are right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. We wrote this guide with our Christian friends in mind for that very reason. You might think that the upcoming Jewish High Holy Days aren't for you, that they're exclusively a 'Jewish thing.' We get it, but hear us out. We're not saying you're wrong for thinking that way, but we do believe you're missing out on something truly transformative. We invite you to take a closer look, to consider the deeper connections, and to broaden your understanding of faith by acknowledging its roots. So stay with us; you might just discover something you never knew you were missing.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 65: Faith In The Midst Of Fear

In Episode #65 of The Jewish Road Podcast, titled "Faith In The Midst Of Fear," we explore the timeless story of David vs. Goliath, focusing not on the characters but on what David knew about God's character. This episode offers encouragement and insights for those facing fear, anxiety, or seemingly insurmountable obstacles, reminding listeners that both faith and fear demand fulfillment. Tune in to discover how your story, like David's, is ultimately a story about God.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 64: The Road Half Traveled

Ever felt like you're missing a piece of the puzzle in your faith journey?

Or that there's more to the story of Jesus that remains unexplored?

Or, as a Jew, have you grappled with the idea of embracing Jesus, feeling it might mean forsaking your cherished heritage?

If this hits home for you, then this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast has your name on it.

In "The Road Half Traveled," we invite you on an extraordinary journey that goes beyond the typical narratives heard in Sunday school or synagogue. As Messianic Jews ourselves, we're standing at the fascinating intersection of faith where Jewish tradition and Christian understanding meet.

Picture it as a two-act play, with Jewish and Christian communities each attending a different act and missing the full performance. We're here to guide you through the entire show, revealing the profound links between Act One and Two, the Old and New Testaments.

We tackle real struggles, like challenging dialogues with Jews intrigued about Jesus but anxious about losing their identity, or Christians seeking to uncover the Jewish roots of their faith but unsure where to start. 

So, whether you're a Christian keen to dive deeper into your faith's roots or a Jew wrestling with your view of Jesus, join us in this down-to-earth conversation. It's time to journey down the full length of The Jewish Road and unveil the captivating story that unites us all.

Are you ready? Pop in those earbuds, and let's journey on "The Road Half Traveled" together.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 63: Merging Mourning With Hope

Did you know that both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem - central to Jewish faith and history - were destroyed on the exact same day, centuries apart? It's as if time stood still to mark a profound period of loss and mourning for the Jewish people.

To put this in perspective, imagine if another event of the magnitude of September 11th happened again on the same date, but centuries later. The sheer coincidence would be staggering, wouldn't it? This is the reality of Tisha B'Av, a day of deep mourning in Judaism.

But Tisha B'Av is not just about the past, it's also about resilience and hope for a better future.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 62: The Church: God’s Commissioned People

In this third and final episode in our “Two Chosen People” series, we journey into understanding the role and identity of God's Commissioned People – the Church.

As we have previously explored, God's chosen ones are two distinct, yet intimately connected groups – the Covenant People (Jews) and the Commissioned People (the Church made up of Jews and Gentiles). After having looked into the unique journey of the Covenant People in our last episode, it's time to unpack the complexities of the Commissioned People – the Church.

From its birth at Shavuot, or Pentecost, the Church was initially entirely Jewish. Yet, it evolved, expanding to welcome the Gentiles, or the Nations, and turning into a vibrant blend of Jews and Gentiles. Paul's metaphor of Gentiles being grafted into Israel's tree beautifully illustrates this unity in diversity.

In this episode, we explore the divine calling of the Church – its mission to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, beginning with the Jewish people and extending to every corner of the globe. This divine commissioning is not just a task or responsibility, but a significant part of the Church's identity.

We also look into the implications of this divine commission, the struggles, and triumphs, the challenges, and victories experienced by the Church in carrying out this mission.

Join us as we celebrate this “Unprecedented Union” and God's plan for unity and mutual enrichment. Together, we look at how our roots intertwine and the wondrous ways God uses His Commissioned People to accomplish His divine will.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 61: Israel: God’s Covenant People

Genesis 12:1-3 — The verses that marked the start of an extraordinary covenant.

Not by number, not by strength, but by divine decree – Israel, God's Covenant People.

This episode unfolds the story of Israel, a nation marked by faith, struggle, and divine covenants. But what makes them 'God's Chosen People'? What does 'chosenness' mean, and why Israel?

We start with a journey back in time, back to the genesis of the nation of Israel. We touch upon the pivotal figure of Abraham, his extraordinary faith, and the divine promise that would forever change the course of history. As we trace the lineage of Abraham to the twelve tribes of Israel, we examine the covenant, its implications, its conditionalities, and its everlasting nature.

Listen to our latest podcast episode, "Israel: God's Covenant People," as we continue the exploration of the question, "Are There Really Two Chosen People?"

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