Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 107 - First-Century Youth Ministry (featuring Heather Quiroz)

Heather Quiroz, founder of First-Century Youth Ministry, discusses her ministry and the importance of understanding Jesus from within his Jewish context. Heather shares her experience of walking the land of Israel as a first-century disciple and how it radically changed her perspective on the Bible. She emphasizes the need to teach young people the Bible from its cultural and historical context, helping them see the deeper meaning behind the text. Heather's ministry aims to equip youth leaders with resources and knowledge to make disciples who have a strong foundation in the Jewish roots of their faith.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 50: Waiting As A Bride

In John 14, Jesus tells His disciples of the image of many rooms in His father’s house - He gives an invitation to come and take up residence. This is more than just a dry statement of faith. Jesus speaks in metaphor, using the concept of a marriage to illustrate the human relationship with God.

In first-century culture, men would often go away to prepare a ‘place’ for their bride - usually encountered for the first time at the wedding feast. In essence, Jesus both foretells and promises his return. He will come back for us like a groom coming for His bride.

In waiting and preparation, our role is uniquely transformational: we live not in static uncertainty but in proactive anticipation of The Day when the Messiah returns as promised with all eagerly awaiting joy!

As the world awaits this season to remember the birth of the Messiah in His first coming, let it also point us to His assured return. Waiting can be hard, especially in days like these. In this 50th episode of The Jewish Road Podcast, may you be encouraged and enlightened to gain a deeper understanding of an old passage made new. May this season be one where each of us draws closer to the Lord as we anticipate His coming again! Blessings in your journey as you wait upon Him like a Bride waiting her Groom!

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