Hanukkah Matt Davis Hanukkah Matt Davis

Episode 91: Why This Hanukkah Is Different…And The Same

In Episode 91 of The Jewish Road Podcast, titled "Why This Hanukkah Is Different...And The Same," we look into the essence of Hanukkah, connecting its historical roots to the present-day challenges facing the Jewish people.

Hanukkah began as a story of resistance against Antiochus IV, a ruler intent on eradicating Jewish identity and practices. This year, as we light the menorah, our reflections take on a deeper, more urgent tone. We find ourselves amid a continued conflict following the October 7 war, where the threat to Jewish existence is ever-present, this time posed by a radical Islamist group, Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization.

What makes this Hanukkah different isn't the nature of the threat -historically, the Jewish people have faced numerous existential threats -but its global reach. The shadows of hatred and violence extend beyond Israel, seeping into streets and campuses worldwide, affecting Jews in every corner of the globe.

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