Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 62: The Church: God’s Commissioned People

In this third and final episode in our “Two Chosen People” series, we journey into understanding the role and identity of God's Commissioned People – the Church.

As we have previously explored, God's chosen ones are two distinct, yet intimately connected groups – the Covenant People (Jews) and the Commissioned People (the Church made up of Jews and Gentiles). After having looked into the unique journey of the Covenant People in our last episode, it's time to unpack the complexities of the Commissioned People – the Church.

From its birth at Shavuot, or Pentecost, the Church was initially entirely Jewish. Yet, it evolved, expanding to welcome the Gentiles, or the Nations, and turning into a vibrant blend of Jews and Gentiles. Paul's metaphor of Gentiles being grafted into Israel's tree beautifully illustrates this unity in diversity.

In this episode, we explore the divine calling of the Church – its mission to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations, beginning with the Jewish people and extending to every corner of the globe. This divine commissioning is not just a task or responsibility, but a significant part of the Church's identity.

We also look into the implications of this divine commission, the struggles, and triumphs, the challenges, and victories experienced by the Church in carrying out this mission.

Join us as we celebrate this “Unprecedented Union” and God's plan for unity and mutual enrichment. Together, we look at how our roots intertwine and the wondrous ways God uses His Commissioned People to accomplish His divine will.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 61: Israel: God’s Covenant People

Genesis 12:1-3 — The verses that marked the start of an extraordinary covenant.

Not by number, not by strength, but by divine decree – Israel, God's Covenant People.

This episode unfolds the story of Israel, a nation marked by faith, struggle, and divine covenants. But what makes them 'God's Chosen People'? What does 'chosenness' mean, and why Israel?

We start with a journey back in time, back to the genesis of the nation of Israel. We touch upon the pivotal figure of Abraham, his extraordinary faith, and the divine promise that would forever change the course of history. As we trace the lineage of Abraham to the twelve tribes of Israel, we examine the covenant, its implications, its conditionalities, and its everlasting nature.

Listen to our latest podcast episode, "Israel: God's Covenant People," as we continue the exploration of the question, "Are There Really Two Chosen People?"

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Episode 60: Two Chosen People: An Unprecedented Union

In this series, we unveil a truth that might shatter your previous understanding: There are not one, but two chosen people of God! Now, stay with us as we unpack this concept of God's Covenant People and Commissioned People.

For centuries, we've believed that the Jewish people alone held the title of God's chosen people. And yes, they still do! But here's where we have to take a deep dive: God's chosen people also include the Commissioned People, which encompasses both Jews and Gentiles. 

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