Episode 44: Rethinking Rosh HaShanah


We help Christians make sense of their roots so they can help the Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

On this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast:

Rosh Hashanah - Feast of Trumpets - Yom Teruah - Zikaron Teruah - the Jewish New Year. That's right, so many different names describing one holiday.

It is one of the biggest holidays on the Jewish calendar and is the start of the High Holy Days season. Synagogues are packed with Jewish people today, gathered to hear the blowing of the shofar and beginning 10 Days of Awe and repentance, hoping they will be inscribed in the Book of Life for one more year.

Yet, not one thing of all of that is found in Scripture. It is strictly tradition.

Maybe it's time we take a deeper look and rethink Rosh Hashanah.

Rethinking Rosh HaShanah

Intro + Outro music
by Joshua Royal. Interlude + Engineering by Noah Davis.

Matt Davis

The right words can make your product irresistible to the consumer. We walk you through a process for gaining clarity for your company’s story. The result? You’ll be inviting your customers and donors into a story they want to be a part of.


Episode 45: The Guilty One Is Set Free (Yom Kippur)


Episode 43: Has God Replaced The Jewish People?