Every Jew Should Be Asking About
5 Questions
A look at the Incarnation through Jewish eyes.
What are the 5 questions?
Listen to our podcast episodes about the birth of the Messiah.

There’s more to this story than a baby in a manger.
An event in the making - talked about for hundreds of years by the Kings and Prophets of Israel.
It’s a long-standing joke that on Christmas, you’ll find most Jewish people out to the movies and ordering Chinese food. It’s actually not all that far-fetched. For the Jewish people, there’s always been an aversion to Jesus.
Not that Jesus is bad, “he just isn’t for us.”
And, the world’s celebration of this Jewish Messiah doesn’t really help bring the Jewish people any closer. So for all of our friends who have ever asked, “Do you celebrate Christmas?” this is our best possible answer.
And please, if you’re friends with someone Jewish (who isn’t?), send them a copy and see what they think.