Modern-day scribes telling stories.

(don’t worry, it’s in English!)

Ron Davis Ron Davis

Tisha B’Av is a Solemn Day of Remembrance 

The Jewish holiday of Tisha B'av falls on Wednesday, July 26 until sunset on Thursday, July 27, 2023. Some call it "the saddest day" because it commemorates two major tragedies that happened thousands of years ago: The destruction of Solomon's Temple in 586 BC by Babylonians led by King Nebuchadnezzar II during his siege against Jerusalem; and then later when Roman legions under Titus sacked Jerusalem again after breaching its walls with battering rams and siege towers in 70 AD.

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Ron Davis Ron Davis

The Letter Kills, But The Spirit Gives Life

Are you familiar with the Jewish holiday of Shavuot? It is a day that holds deep significance for both Christianity and Judaism. For Christians, it marks the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and about 3,000 people were saved. For Jews, it recalls Moses receiving the Law on Mount Sinai. Learn more about the fascinating relationship between Shavuot and Pentecost, as well as their importance in the history of Christianity and Judaism, by reading this blog post!

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Ron Davis Ron Davis

How Traditional Judaism Teaches That Temple Sacrifices Atoned for the World

This blog post explores the traditional Jewish understanding of how temple sacrifices atone for the sins of the world. Learn why God called Israel to be a priestly nation and how their offerings of intercession and atonement enabled Gentiles to receive forgiveness from Him. Discover what the Talmudic rabbis said about it, as well as insights from Rashi on Numbers 29:12-34. Finally, find out how we can come into right standing with God through prayer, repentance, faith and holy day observances.

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Matt Davis Matt Davis

Tisha B’Av: Remembering The Destruction Of The Temple

On this solemn day, we remember specific events in history and how they impacted us as a people. Although today is not necessarily meant to be celebratory, it should also not be forgotten. Today Jews around the world will join together in mourning and reflection.

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