Modern-day scribes telling stories.
(don’t worry, it’s in English!)
God With Us: Immanuel, Ezekiel and the Presence of the Lord
Explore the prophetic vision of Ezekiel, the return of God's glory, and the profound connection between the incarnation of Jesus and His promised reign in Jerusalem. Uncover the significance of "The Lord Is There" and how the themes of God's sovereignty and fulfilled promises culminate in the millennial kingdom. A must-read reflection during this season of hope and expectation.
The Middle East Unravels: A House of Cards Collapses
Syria’s regime has fallen, leaving a power vacuum in the Middle East with global implications. Discover how this upheaval impacts Israel, dismantles Iran’s influence, and aligns with biblical prophecy. What does this historic shift mean for the region and the church's role in these unfolding last days? Read the full analysis from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
The Root and the Branch: 25 Scriptures That Point to Jesus, the Jewish Messiah
Discover the story of the Jesse Tree, a powerful new tradition rooted in Isaiah 11:1. Explore 25 Old Testament passages that point to the coming of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus, connecting Act One and Act Two of God’s redemptive story. Journey through this season with anticipation and deepen your faith in the promises of God fulfilled.
Why The Split?
Have you ever noticed how some years, the Christian celebration of Passion Week and the Jewish observance of Passover appear to be closely aligned, while other times they seem to be out of sync? It may leave you wondering why these two significant holy seasons don’t always coincide. In order to understand this, we need to look into history and examine the calendars followed by each tradition. Let’s explore how the split between Resurrection and Passover occurred and why.
Jewish Road 101: How To Know And Share The Gospel From The Old Testament
Within the pages of the Old Testament, known to the Jewish community as the Tanakh, lies a rich collection of Biblical wisdom, history, and prophecies that hold profound significance. While often associated with Jewish tradition, these ancient scriptures also contain valuable insights into the Good News - the Gospel - largely unexplored within the Christian church, and rarely assembled in a systematic perspective that forms God’s plan of atonement from the Old Testament.