Thank you for joining us on this journey, walking through a timeline of the Biblical Feasts.

We understand the confusion. That's why we've made a straightforward, one-page PDF timeline. While this doesn’t tell you everything, it’s a start in giving you a snapshot to the feasts, which ones have been fulfilled, which have not been fulfilled, and where you can find them in Leviticus.

What are God’s appointed times? Here is a BRIEF overview of the feasts.

Passover (Pesach):

The crucifixion of Jesus during Passover represents the ultimate sacrifice, liberating us from sin, as the Israelites were liberated from Egypt.

Unleavened Bread (Matzot):

Jesus, the sin-free life, was buried during this feast, signifying the purification of our lives from sin.

First Fruits (Bikkurim):

Jesus' resurrection occurred during First Fruits, confirming the promise of our future resurrection and eternal life.

Pentecost (Shavuot):

The Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, signaling the birth of the Church and the first soul harvest into God's Kingdom.

Trumpets (Yom Teruah):

Also known as Rosh Hashanah, this feast foreshadows the future gathering of Israel and the coming of the Messiah.

Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur):

This solemn day anticipates God's ultimate reconciliation and atonement for His people.

Tabernacles (Sukkot):

This feast celebrates God's protection and looks forward to when Jesus will establish His Kingdom and dwell forever among us.

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