The Jewish Road

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Why These Colors Don't Run...or Hide

Yesterday was America’s Independence Day. On most of the “patriot platforms” there was a phrase I heard more than others: “These colors don’t run.” 

It hit me differently this year.

Today, more than ever, the Jewish people are under threat. Some amazing ministries we know of here in the states are preparing for a time when even in our own country, Jews may face persecution - again. 

These efforts aim to create a network of Christians who will provide refuge for Jews at a time when it’s needed most. While this sentiment is deeply appreciated, we believe running and hiding is not the answer for us - as Messianic Jewish believers. We stand on the conviction that the world needs credible witnesses who stand boldly, no matter the cost. 

For Zion's sake, we can’t be silent.

Stand Boldly, No Matter the Cost

From the start, God's people have been called to stand firm, even in the face of great danger. The Bible is full of examples of individuals who stood up, stood with, and stood for their beliefs, regardless of the potential for persecution or harm.

Moses: Leading a Nation

Moses stood before Pharaoh, the most powerful ruler of his time, and demanded the freedom of the Israelites. Despite the dangers, he was unwavering because he was following God's command. "But Moses said to the people, 'Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again'" (Exodus 14:13). Moses' courage set a precedent for future generations.

Esther: Risking It All

Queen Esther risked her life to save her people from annihilation. When faced with the choice of staying silent or speaking out, she chose to act. "And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14). Esther's boldness is a reminder that standing up for God's people is more than a conviction, but a Divine calling.

Daniel: Facing the Lions

Daniel's refusal to stop praying to God, despite the king's edict, landed him in the lions' den. Yet, he stood firm, trusting in God's protection. "My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me, because I was found innocent in his sight" (Daniel 6:22). Daniel's story is a powerful reminder of the importance of unwavering faith and trust in God's protection.

For Zion's Sake, We Will Not Be Silent

The Prophetic Mandate

The prophet Isaiah declares, "For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem's sake I will not remain quiet, till her vindication shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch" (Isaiah 62:1). This mandate compels us to speak out and act on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people, ensuring that what is happening everyday is not ignored or forgotten.

A Credible Witness

Our credibility as witnesses for the Messiah hinges on our willingness to stand with Israel. Jesus Himself affirmed His Jewish identity and mission. In John 4:22, He told the Samaritan woman, "Salvation is from the Jews." Our faith is deeply rooted in the Jewish tradition, and our support for Israel stands as our commitment to God's promises. 

This commitment is not merely a historical acknowledgment but a present-day obligation.

The New Testament, Act Two, Call

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, emphasizes the importance of the Jewish people in God's redemptive plan. 

"I ask then: Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself, a descendant of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin. God did not reject his people, whom he foreknew" (Romans 11:1-2). 

Paul's affirmation reminds us that God's covenant with Israel is eternal and unbreakable. Jesus warned His followers about the persecution they would face for His name's sake. "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" (Matthew 5:10). 

As followers of Jesus, the Jewish Messiah, our response to persecution should be rooted in faith, courage, and unwavering support for God's people, the biological family of Jesus.

Why These Colors Don't Run...or Hide

Symbolism of Our Stand

The phrase "These Colors Don't Run...or Hide" evokes a sense of steadfastness and resilience. Just as the American flag represents freedom and democracy, our stand with Israel represents our commitment to God's eternal covenant with His people. We are not called to flee in the face of adversity but to stand firm, proclaiming the truth of the gospel.

The Jewish people have endured centuries of persecution, from the destruction of the Temple to the Holocaust. Despite these trials, they have remained a testament to God's faithfulness. Today, we join in that legacy of resilience, standing with Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East, and a symbol of hope and faith. 

Our history and faith compel us to stand firm, reflecting the resilience that has been demonstrated through the centuries.

Practical Implications

Building a Network of Support

While we affirm that we won't be running, it is essential to build a network of support. This network is not just about providing shelter but about creating a community of believers committed to standing with Israel. By educating ourselves and others about the biblical mandate to support Israel, we can be better prepared to act when the time comes.

Engaging in Advocacy

Advocacy is a powerful tool in standing with Israel. By engaging with our local communities, churches, and political representatives, we can raise awareness about the importance of supporting Israel. This involves writing letters, participating in rallies, and using social media to share the truth about Israel and the Jewish people. Our voices must be heard in public forums to ensure that the truth about Israel's plight is known.

Praying for Israel

Prayer is our most potent weapon. As we face increasing hostility, our prayers for Israel's protection and peace are crucial. 

The Psalms provide a beautiful framework for these prayers. "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: 'May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels'" (Psalm 122:6-7). 

Our prayers align us with God's heart and purposes, reinforcing our commitment to His people.

The Cost of Discipleship

Counting the Cost

Jesus made it clear that following Him would come with a cost. 

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me" (Matthew 16:24). 

This cost includes standing against the tide of popular opinion and risking persecution for our beliefs. We must be prepared to face opposition, knowing that our stand is for a higher cause.

Despite the cost, the reward of faithfulness is immeasurable. Jesus promises, "Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you" (Matthew 5:12). 

Our faithfulness in standing with Israel and proclaiming the gospel will be rewarded in eternity. The eternal perspective gives us strength and courage to stand firm in the present.

Standing Firm for Zion

We invite you to join us in this mission. Whether through advocacy, education, prayer, or simply standing firm in your faith, your support is crucial. Together, we can be a credible witness, proclaiming the truth of the gospel and God's love for His people. 

These colors don't run...or hide. 

They stand for faith, resilience, and unwavering commitment to God's promises. Let us stand together, boldly and unapologetically, for Israel and the Jewish people. Our resolve is strengthened by our faith, our history, and our commitment to God's eternal covenant.

Our Unique Position

As Messianic Jewish believers, we find ourselves in a unique position. We can't run or hide because we are called to be witnesses to both the Jewish and the Gentile worlds. Our faith in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah places us at the crossroads of these two communities. We understand the potential and probable nature of the world's hostility towards the Jewish people. 

The Bible tells us that the entire world will turn against Israel. In such times, the Jewish people will need a place of safety, and what better place than in the homes of Christians who love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?

While we will stand firm and not hide, we recognize the importance of preparing for a time when Jewish people worldwide may need refuge. This preparedness involves educating our Christian brothers and sisters about the significance of standing with Israel. It means fostering a deep love and respect for the Jewish roots of our faith, ensuring that our homes can indeed be safe havens.

The world is a volatile place, and becoming moreso. 

The Jewish people are often at the center of its storms. As believers, we are called to stand with Israel, to be a voice for the voiceless, and to proclaim the truth of God's love and promises. These colors don't run...or hide. 

We will stand firm, trusting in God's protection and His eternal covenant with His people. Let us be bold, unwavering, and faithful as we navigate these challenging times, knowing that our ultimate hope and victory lie in the hands of the One who is always faithful.

About The Jewish Road

At the heart of The Jewish Road lies a passion ignited by a father-son duo, Ron and Matt Davis. Our journey began with a simple yet profound desire: to bridge the gap in understanding that has kept two faith communities apart for too long. We're here to help Christians connect with the roots of their faith and for Jews to explore the life and teachings of Jesus with an open heart.

Imagine a world where every believer, be they Jewish or Christian, not only knows their faith but truly understands its origins and interconnectedness. We strive to restore the Jewish essence of the Gospel, offering insights that deepen knowledge, bolster faith, and propel the growth of the Kingdom. The narrative of faith, we believe, is a two-act play where both acts are essential for a comprehensive grasp of the story. By uniting these acts, we're presenting a more holistic and enriching perspective.

Life is too short to wander without knowing the full essence of your beliefs. Whether you're attending a synagogue or a church, there's so much more to discover. The Jewish Road is here to guide, enlighten, and, most importantly, bring both halves of the story together. Join us on this journey; together