The Jewish Road

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Day 4: Prayer is more than monologue. (Tefilah)

This is part of our 10-part series, “Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Christians Should Care About the Jewish High Holy Days.”

These Days of Are invite us into the heart of prayer, or Tefillah, in Hebrew. Prayer is a universal act, a meeting place between the human and the divine, and during these days, it takes on an even more profound significance. Tefilah is less about asking God for what we need, and more about aligning ourselves with God’s will. For Christians, the idea of interceding with Jesus as our mediator adds a layer of grace to this sacred time.

Jewish Practice Today

In the Jewish tradition, prayer isn't simply a monologue; it's a dialogue with God. Especially during the High Holy Days, you'll see Jewish people engaged in specific prayers, like the Amidah, a central prayer in Jewish liturgy. It's recited three times a day, but during the Ten Days of Awe, an additional section is added for repentance. Synagogues fill up, even in a world where attendance has dwindled. People wear white as a symbol of purity, and many wrap themselves in a prayer shawl, the Tallit. Virtual services have also gained traction, acknowledging modernity while holding fast to the essence of ancient practices.

Prayer for the Jewish People

Pray the Jewish people will see Yeshua as their great High Priest, who understands and intercedes for them (Hebrews 4:14-15).

“Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.”

Application for Believers

Let's remember that our access to God is open because of Jesus. Our prayers are heard, and we have a mediator who understands us completely. Don’t take this for granted, don’t enter into prayer lightly, and don’t forget. It’s often simple to live our lives without acknowledging our great High Priest. We have access. Let’s enter in.

Directed Prayer Point

Lord, deepen our understanding of prayer. As we grow closer to You, let our Jewish friends find the same closeness through Yeshua.

Listen to our Days of Awe podcast for today!

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