The Jewish Road

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Episode 91: Why This Hanukkah Is Different…And The Same

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Source Helping Christians make sense of their roots. Helping Jews make sense of Jesus.

In Episode 91 of The Jewish Road Podcast, titled "Why This Hanukkah Is Different...And The Same," we look into the essence of Hanukkah, connecting its historical roots to the present-day challenges facing the Jewish people.

Hanukkah began as a story of resistance against Antiochus IV, a ruler intent on eradicating Jewish identity and practices. This year, as we light the menorah, our reflections take on a deeper, more urgent tone. We find ourselves amid a continued conflict following the October 7 war, where the threat to Jewish existence is ever-present, this time posed by a radical Islamist group, Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization.

What makes this Hanukkah different isn't the nature of the threat -historically, the Jewish people have faced numerous existential threats -but its global reach. The shadows of hatred and violence extend beyond Israel, seeping into streets and campuses worldwide, affecting Jews in every corner of the globe.

Yet, amidst these sobering realities, Hanukkah remains a beacon of hope and resilience. It's a time to recall and celebrate the enduring miracle of Jewish survival and God’s unwavering protection. As we gather to remember the Maccabees' triumph, we're also reminded of a greater miracle: the persistent preservation of the Jewish people against all odds.

Drawing inspiration from Psalm 125, "As the mountains are around Jerusalem, so the Lord is all around His people," we invite you to understand the deeper significance of Hanukkah. It's more than a commemoration of a past victory - it's a reaffirmation of faith and a call to solidarity in a world where challenges to Jewish safety and identity persist.

Join us in this episode as we explore the relevance of Hanukkah, its significance in today's world, and the unbreakable spirit of a people who have withstood the tests of time.

Source for reference mentioned during podcast, Arab World for Research & Development: Public Opinion Poll - Gaza War 2023

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