The Jewish Road

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Episode 37: The Afternoon Of Pentecost

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We help Christians make sense of their roots so they can help the Jewish people make sense of Jesus.

On this episode of The Jewish Road Podcast:

When we look at Pentecost and Acts 2 we marvel and are amazed at the 3,000 who receive the Holy Spirit. We go to the next chapter and forget it's still Pentecost. Just six hours later, Peter and John are going up to the temple and a man who has been lame from birth is healed and the crowds are even more amazed.

Peter says, "Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us, as though by our own power or piety we have made him walk?" Why do you marvel? This is the promised day that was spoken of by the prophet Joel. And in case you're still doubting, not only does Peter quote Joel, he applies it to what's happening right then and there. This is what was promised! The result? 5,000 were added that day.

The early church was filled with people who were steeped in Jewish culture, thought, and tradition. They were men of Israel who worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And the message they preached was that Jesus is the fulfillment of all that was promised in the Hebrew Scriptures. If you want to understand the early church, you need to understand its Jewish roots.

Join us on this episode of the Jewish Road podcast as we look into the events of the afternoon of the Pentecost and how they were a fulfillment of what was spoken by the prophet Joel from Act one, being brought to life in real time.

Outro music
by Joshua Royal. Interlude + Engineering by Noah Davis.